How Color Can Affect Your Kids’ Moods

A fun part of moving into a new SummerHill home is redecorating a new space. Maybe you’re welcoming a new baby or your kid is ready for a change in their bedroom. It’s time to break out the paint swatches and find a new color scheme!

We spend a lot of time selecting a theme and the accompanying details but don’t spend too much time thinking about the right colors to go on the wall. Choosing the right color for your child’s room deserves careful consideration as well.

What each color means

A color’s tone is just as important as the color itself. While cooler tones like blues and greens are often considered peaceful colors, they can tip towards depressing in a darker tone. Here are some common associations each color has.

Red: Red is a bold, attention-grabbing color. It can excite and energize the mind and body, often sparking creativity, passion, and confidence. However, it’s also associated with an inability to focus and sometimes aggression. It’s best to use this color sparingly in your child’s room.

Pink: Pink is in the red family, but the lighter tone makes it more calming. It also encourages feelings of empathy and nurturing. It’s important to know that people start to tire of this color more quickly than others.

Yellow: Yellow can be a bit of a mixed bag. While it’s a bright and happy color that encourages motivation, focus, and improved memory, it can be a bit overstimulating. The constant feeling of ‘daytime’ can make it difficult to relax at night.

Orange: Another of the warm tones, oranges pull from the positives of yellows and reds. This color is friendly, cheerful, and often puts kids at ease. Orange is known to encourage communication and socialization. This could be a great color for a playroom since it fosters feelings of cooperation, extroversion, and confidence.

Blue: The soothing effects of blue are well-known. That’s why it’s a common color for bedrooms and bathrooms. They evoke a spa-like environment where you can relax. Blues are considered exact opposites of reds; they can decrease blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration, minimize feelings of anxiety and nervousness and suppress appetite.

Green: Green symbolizes nature and provides a soothing and relaxing sensation. This color is popular in classrooms because it can increase reading comprehension and speed. If your child will be doing most of their schoolwork in their bedroom, green is a good color to consider!

Purple: Purple is a regal, sophisticated color that encourages creativity, thoughtfulness, and sensitivity. You may want to limit the amount of purple in a room if your child is especially sensitive. 

Hopefully, your decorating plans haven’t changed too much. It’s important to know that while scientists have uncovered a lot about how color affects our moods, these generalizations are not hard and fast rules! You don’t have to paint your kid’s room just one color. Keep these associations in mind while talking to your child about what they’d like and work together to create a color palette that works for both parties.

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