First of all, it is important to realize that everyone has a different vision of just what a perfect home looks like. To some it means that everything matches, others believe that every item within has to have a story behind it. Some people simply believe love surrounds the perfect home. In a sense all of these things are true.
The perfect home surrounds you with warmth, gives you a good feeling all over, and makes you look forward to just being there.
So how do we create that wonderful space in which we are going to want to come home to? Always start with the basics.
Does your home suit your needs? Does it have the bedrooms you require? Or, the bathrooms you require? Or, the gourmet kitchen with the huge pantry? Whatever your needs, it is important your home accomplishes this.
Once you have the home that suits your needs, then it is important to start with the basics. A home needs to flow. That means it should gently guide your eyes from space to space without any hesitation.
Nothing to block your path as you approach each room. A cohesive color will also guide you into each space. That means an overall house color that is somewhat neutral should flow throughout but yet compliments additional colors you may have in different rooms.
When selecting your cabinets, countertops, flooring, keep in mind that these items are the backdrop for all you personal items. Your selections should be classic in style and color, nothing too trendy.
Remember they will be with you for a very long time and you don’t want them to go out of style too quickly. You don’t want to decide you dislike green and now can’t stand the green carpet you selected. Everything should complement one another.
It may help to think about putting together your home like putting together an outfit to wear out for an evening. Â When someone pays you a compliment on what you have put together, it always makes you feel good. Â This is the same for your home.
So now you are ready to fill your home with the things you love. Like things that you have collected or maybe items your parents gave you that you cherish. There is only one rule. Each item should complement the space it is in. Keep that in mind when selecting fabric prints, and colors. It should all flow. Your furniture placement should be open and airy and nothing should block your path.
When purchasing furniture don’t forget to ask yourself that important question. Does this piece of furniture suite my needs? Does it seat 2, 3 or 4? Will it store all my DVD’s? Can I fit my whole family around this table? Then, does it compliment the room? It is really a balance of function and style.
There is one more important thing to remember. No two people envision the perfect home the same way. However, if you follow these simple rules you will have the basics covered and you will be well on your way to looking forward to going home. Â